Read the Issue: Click for the full digital edition of the November-December 2017 issue.
Jump-Start Tooling With 3-D Printing:
Fused deposition modeling and fused filament fabrication technology offer low-cost entry to 3-D printed tooling.
A Primer on Permanent Mold Casting:
If a part is medium-to-high volume production and requires high mechanical properties and a nice surface finish, the permanent mold casting process might be a suitable, cost-effective manufacturing method.
GM's Virtual Casting System:
Integrated Computational Materials Engineering tools can be used to optimize aluminum castings for desired performance and could be applicable to other metal processes.
Development and Casting of High Cerium Content Aluminum Alloys:
A pilot casting study looked at the promising aluminum-cerium alloy system that exhibits good mechanical properties at high temperatures.
Investigating Microporosity Formation in Low-Lead Cu-Based Alloys:
A study examined bismuth and its ability to reduce microporosity as a replacement for leaded copper alloys.
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