Read the Issue: Click for the full digital edition of the July-August 2016 issue.
Casting A Solution For Football?:
Zuti Facemasks and Acra Cast are producing a new face mask for football helmets that looks cool and might help the sport reduce concussions.
Team Win: Casting An Achievement for Design, Coordination:
The drive housing casting for the 9RX 4-Track John Deere tractor was a complicated process aided by teamwork.
10 Questions To Ask Your Casting Supplier:
These basic questions can help casting buyers decide whether to send a request for a quote to a potential supplier
Industry Roadmap Gives Direction:
A newly released document identifies the metalcasting industry's gaps in capabilities and identifies the tasks and outcomes required to fill them.
Aluminum Characteristics By Alloy:
Aluminum casting alloys exhibit their own characteristics, and how they're used and which applications fit the best depends on many factors.
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