Read the Issue: Click for the full digital edition of the September-October 2017 issue.
Cutting Through the Challenges:
AAM's Columbiana lost foam casting facility tackled a difficult project thanks to ingenuity and teamwork with its customer.
Which Casting Process?:
Choosing metalcasting is just the start. This article will help you navigate the casting process palette and find the optimal one for your part.
Searching for the Low-Cost, Power-Dense, Aluminum Engine:
Can a new method for tooling high-pressure diecasting pave the way to closed-deck engine blocks?
Critical Characteristics Affecting the Surface Finish of Castings:
Surface finish is an integral part of casting quality specifications, and a recent study sought to achieve investment casting-level surface finish in sand cast components.
Casting Sports History:
Castings pay tribute to some of history's greatest athletes via statues, plaques or busts that allow fans to cheer for players long after their playing days are over.
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