Read the Issue: Click for the full digital edition of the May/June 2022 issue.
Casting of the Year: Waupaca's Collaboration on a Backhoe Bucket:
Two Waupaca Foundry plants worked together to deliver a casting conversion for a compact utility tractor that shored up the supply chain for customer Amerequip.
Primer on Green Sand Molding:
Get a quick rundown of the need-to-know details about green sand molding.
CastExpo Reflects Industry's Positive Outlook:
Attendees gathered in Columbus, Ohio, with a clear purpose: advance, upgrade, and prepare for a period of robust orders.
AFS Research Technology Transfer at CastExpo:
The findings from three AFS research projects were presented at Metalcasting Congress—held in conjunction with CastExpo 2022.
Casting Winners and Customer Trends
Industry Insider:
Planning for a Successful Visit to the Foundry
Sourcing Strategies:
Cure for the (Un) Common Chaos
Design Details:
Streamlined Design Improves Durability
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