May/June 2018: Click for the full digital edition of the May/June 2018 issue.
Working Together
Design Details:
Chevy Volt Part Design Sizzles With 14 Fewer Pieces
Novel Solutions:
Supply Chain Management for Dummies
College Connection:
FEF Students Exposed to Industry at Metalcasting Congress
TEI Swing Arm Wins Casting of the Year:
The uniquely shaped part portrays the possibilities and opportunities available when combining additive manufacturing, simulation and innovative design.
Strength, Not Stress:
A college wrestling coach had an idea for a new workout product. Cast iron made his vision a reality.
Designing The Best Aluminum Castings:
When correctly designed, aluminum castings can have numerous advantages over similar parts produced by other manufacturing methods.
Congress Gathers Industry to Texas:
Attendees from suppliers, metalcasters and end-users convened in Fort Worth for the industry’s biggest annual event.
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