Read the Issue: Click for the full digital edition of the July-August 2015 issue.
Restoring the U.S. Capitol Dome:
While the cast iron Capitol Dome is being repaired onsite in D.C., several ornamental pieces are being replaced with new castings produced at an art casting facility in Utah.
Common Questions, Expert Answers:
Top industry experts in tooling and patternmaking discuss common concerns related to the metalcasting industry and casting end-users.
Achieving Lightweight, Wear Resistant Steels Through Nitriding:
A low cost heat treatment method could improve the wear resistance of austenitic manganese and aluminum steels.
Advancing Aluminum:
Researchers aim to develop a new alloy to maximize performance of cylinder heads in diesel engines.
GIFA, NEWCAST Spotlight the Future of the Industry:
The global metal casting supply chain convened in Dusseldorf, Germany, to see and touch the latest developments in equipment, services and technology.
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